CANISA Brigimerci Siberian Husky Kennel

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Data : 5 mai 2022
Rasa : Husky siberian
Adresa : Oradea, România


My name is Csordas Brigitta-Mercedesz, I live in Romania, Oradea. My love for the Siberian Husky started in 2001, when Amigo (Wolfgarden of Origo Aramis x Amulett of Polar Wolf) came into my life. He showed me all the love that a Siberian Husky can give, he was the one and only, irreplaceable love of my life. I lost him in march 2012, and then I felt that a world crashed. I will never ever have another dog like him. We had a very close relation, we understood each other just by eye contact. I miss him so much, but I know that he is with us everyday and he is taking care of us just like he did when he was alive.

My devotion for Siberian Huskies doesn’t stopped here. Bella ( Amigo x Passion Flower Yukon Tanana) was also our family’s member, she was Amigo’s daughter. She was born in 2004, also a lovely tempered, beautiful female who shared her love and joy for life with us. We lost her in 2012, she had diabetes. We miss her everyday, but we know that now she is running free with her dad, without feeling any pain.

Both had a short show career, but with really nice results also.

In 2011 two little princesses came into my life: Chica (Ch Saladi de Ciucki x Kayitah de Ciukci) and Kiara (Ch Tovik’s Law and Order x Ch Kossok’s Magic of Snow Spirit). They are the most sweet, huggable, kissable little things in the whole world J They started a nice show career and I hope that this will continue in a positive way, so way to go my little girls!

In 2014 my first litter was born (Siberian Angel Akhilleus x CH Brigimerci’s Hot Chica of Northern Glamours), from witch I kept a beautiful female – Brigimerci A Cappella “Zumba”. She has the sweetest temperament ever! Her show career is blooming, she has very nice results wherever she goes. I invite you to visit my dogs trough this website!

It is hard to describe the love for this special breed. It has it all: beauty, intelligence, independence, curiosity, tenderness, sociability = Siberian Husky! I try to raise my dogs the best way I can, they are the part of my family, and I will do my best to produce healthy Siberians, with good temperament, able for show and work!

The most important thing in my kennel is: It is the quality that counts, not the quantity!

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Oradea, România
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Obligații și interdicții la comercializarea câinilor
- Este obligatorie sterilizarea oricărui câine, inclusiv a celor descriși ca fiind de rasă, dar pentru care nu există documente care să ateste apartenența la rasă (pedigriu);
- Este obligatorie microciparea și înregistrarea seriei acestuia în Registrul de evidență a câinilor cu stăpân (RECS), înainte de vânzarea sau donarea câinelui (și cel târziu la trei luni de la data nașterii);
- Este obligatorie vaccinarea antirabică a câinilor (şi a pisicilor) în vârstă de peste trei luni;
- Este interzisă monta (împerecherea) câinilor care nu au pedigriu (A, B sau C);
- Este interzisă vânzarea câinilor care nu poartă microcip și nu sunt înregistrați în Registrul de evidență a câinilor cu stăpân (RECS);
- Este interzisă comercializarea câinilor din rasele pit bull, boerbull, bandog și metișii lor;
Vă invităm să consultați lista completă de obligații și interdicții la comercializarea câinilor AICI.


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